Top 9 work from home essential tools list for men & women

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Work From Home Essential Tools:

During this COVID-19 lockdown period, The Shortfundly team entirely started working from home. We collected individual feedback and love to share this with you.

An essential list of work from home tools for women:

  1. Sanitized workspace.
  2. Headphone.
  3. Sticky notes.
  4. To-do list.
  5. Work planner diary.
  6. Favorite Clutch to hold the messy hair.
  7. Lip gloss and moisturizer.
  8. Water/Juice to keep oneself hydrated.
  9. Finally a mindset to work.
Top 9 essential list of work from home tools for women

An essential list of work from home tools for men:

  1. Clean & hygiene workspace.
  2. Fully charged laptop.
  3. High-speed Internet.
  4. Video conferencing & chat apps.
  5. Earphones Mandatory.
  6. Keep Hydrated.
  7. Do some physical exercise to keep you healthy
  8. Work planning (personal and Official).
  9. Healthy productive mindset.
Top 9 essential list of work from home tools for men

I hope you like this list. Start share this list with your friends and colleagues.

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About Shortfundly

Shortfundly is an online technology and design-focused, data-driven OTT platform company that curates and shares the best short films and stories through our global multi-platform network. Our video and editorial platform enables a global audience to easily discover, watch, and share unique stories anywhere on their desktop and mobile devices.

Our vision is to continually grow the community of short film audiences to enable a wide and accessible market reach for short films and become the leading micro-cinema/short film platform.

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