2323 The Beginning – Tamil Suspense Thriller HD Movie

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2323 The Beginning - Tamil Suspense Thriller HD Movie Still 1

Sathish Ramakrishnan’s next titled 2323 the beginning is produced by Mahendra Masanaiyan. Mayon is the Protagonist who tries to solve the water scarcity of the needy by changing the direction of the cyclone to the barren locations…the Antogonist Vaayu who tries to evade him and use his knowledge to generate electricity through storms and bring the world under his control. Director Sathish Ramakrishnan has handled the struggle between the two opposing ideologies as the plot and not only that he also played the Character of Mayon the Protagonist and the producer mahendra masanaiyan also played a character named Vajra who is a friend of Maayon.

2323 The Beginning - Tamil Suspense Thriller HD Movie Poster

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