Podango (Get Lost): Short film Review

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Podango is a Tamil comedy-drama short film. Guna Govarthanan is the director and writer of this comedy-drama short film. The protagonist of the tale is a common man who falls in love with a person and continuously tries to express his love, but fails every time. Guna Govarthanan, the director and writer, is also the man behind the production of this 11 minute 46 second long shortfilm.

Podango Short film Title
Podango Short film Title Poster

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Core Content:

The narrative begins with a guy (Vasu) running from a stranger who is holding a big log of wood. The scene later reveals that vasu was chased my a girl named “Kamini.” She was chasing him for the relentless-stalking tourtured by Vasu.

vasu in podango short film
Indran as Vasu

In this chase, Vasu gets hit by a police bike, and the police start to question him about why he was running and what was happening. Without any hesitation, Vasu and Kamini explain everything to the policeman. Suddenly, the whole story diverts after Kamini reveals that Vasu was not actually following Kamini, but her boyfriend “Appu.”

Kamini in podango short film
Nirthika as Kamini

However, Vasu admits that he was following her boyfriend, Appu, because he loved him. And Vasu also add that his love for Appu is true and having a homo-sexual relation is completely normal. After a few discussion, the police man decides to ask Appu, if he is okay about this and whom do he want to be with. As a reply to the question, Appu points his finger towards Kamini and they both walk away.

Appu in podango short film
Rohit as Appu

This situation made Vasu sad and heartbroken. The police man tries to calm him down, and the short film ends with a comedy scene where the police man says, “If boys like you cannot find a suitable guy, you can try uncles like me.”

Vasu and Policeman in podango sort film
Vasu and Policeman (Suren)

Cast of Podango:

  • Indran as Vasu.
  • Nirthika as Kamini.
  • Suren as Policeman.
  • Rohit as Appu.

Appreciation and Critics:

The cinematography of this Tamil short film, “Podango (Get Lost),” is very decent. KSM Raja has done a good job with it. I’d like to congratulate the actors on their work, especially Vasu, who plays Vasu throughout the short film. The short film had good frames in it. And the comedy deliveries are good as well. And as a viewer, I really would like to appreciate their attempt to generate content that supports homosexual affairs in today’s society. Overall, Guna Govarthanan did a decent job of making this short film.

Awards of Podango Short Film
Awards of Podango Short Film

If you ask me to give ratings,

  • For Direction – I would like to give 8/10
  • For Script – I would like to give 8/10
  • For Screenplay – I would like to give 7/10
  • For Editing – I would like to give 7/10
  • For Cinematography – I would like to give 8/10
  • For Music – I would like to give 6/10
  • For Dubbing – I would like to give 6/10
  • For Acting – I would like to give 7/10
  • For Climax – I would like to give 7/10
  • For Creativity and Innovation ­– I would like to give 8/10

Overall, I would like to give 7.5/10

I hope you enjoyed my analysis of this short movie. Please do share it with your friends and family. Cheers!!!

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