Top 6 Independent Filmmaking Quotes

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About Independent Filmmaking Quotes

Cinema is a matter of what's in the frame and what's out - independent filmmaking quotes
A film is a petrified fountain of thought - independent filmmaking quotes
In the future, everybody is going to be a director. Somebody's got to live a real life so we have something to make a movie about - independent filmmaking quotes
When given an opportunity, deliver excellence and never quit - independent Filmmaking quotes
If a million people see my movie, I hope they see a million different movies -independent Filmmaking quotes
My idea of professionalism is probably a lot of people's idea of obsessive -independent Filmmaking quotes

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These are the best collection of top 6 Independent filmmaking quotes.

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About Shortfundly

Shortfundly is an online technology and design-focused, data-driven OTT platform company that curates and shares the best short films and stories through our global multi-platform network. Our video and editorial platform enables a global audience to easily discover, watch, and share unique stories anywhere on their desktop and mobile devices.

Our vision is to continually grow the community of short film audiences to enable a wide and accessible market reach for short films and become the leading micro-cinema/short film platform.

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