The Best Action Movie of Every Year in the 90s

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When people reminisce about the 1990s, they often envision baggy denim and crop tops as fashion trends, accompanied by the iconic sounds of 90s R&B and catchy pop music. This decade had a distinct cultural identity, and this extended to the world of cinema, especially in the action genre. The 90s witnessed a surge in action movies, benefitting from advancements in special effects and the inclusion of well-known actors to attract audiences.

Back then, movie enthusiasts didn’t have the luxury of today’s streaming services, so they flocked to theaters for the unique cinematic experience. This demand for the big screen led to the creation of grand, expansive action films. From sequels to innovative original stories, let’s explore the standout action movies from each year of the 1990s.

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The Best Action Movie of Every Year in the 90s

1990: Die Hard 2

Die Hard 2 is an action-packed thriller sequel featuring Bruce Willis as the lead character, LAPD Lieutenant John McClane. The story unfolds at an airport during the Christmas season, a setting most people would rather avoid due to its hassles. However, for McClane and various government officials and law enforcement officers, the stakes are much higher than just dealing with long lines and expensive prices. McClane’s purpose for being there is to pick up his wife, but his plans take a complicated turn when a corrupt ex-Colonel and a group of terrorists threaten to crash a plane.

Throughout the film, numerous obstacles and challenges arise, yet McClane remains unwavering in his commitment to set things right. He willingly places himself in precarious and challenging situations for the greater good. Die Hard 2 delivers thrilling action sequences, such as McClane’s stealthy navigation through the ventilation system to confront the antagonists. Even though viewers might anticipate McClane prevailing over the villains, the excitement lies in witnessing precisely how he accomplishes it.

1991: Terminator 2: Judgment Day

“Terminator 2: Judgment Day features a star-studded cast including Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton, and Edward Furlong, seamlessly blending action and science fiction. The story is set in the distant future of 2029, where the world has been overrun by artificial intelligence known as Skynet, leading to a brutal war between machines and human resistance. To change the course of events, Skynet dispatches a Terminator back in time to 1995 with the mission to eliminate the future leader of the resistance while still a child.

This future resistance leader, who happens to be a soldier and his own mother, joins forces with a reprogrammed Terminator to thwart this assassination attempt. The film’s gripping narrative and high-stakes scenario make the intense clashes between the two relentless Terminator machines more than just captivating action sequences – they become a symbol of humanity’s fate hanging in the balance. Even today, the groundbreaking special effects and innovative filming techniques from the movie continue to impress.”

1992: Juice

Juice, though it has a narrower focus compared to some other entries in this category, offers plenty of tension and entertainment. The film features well-known actors like Omar Epps and the late rapper Tupac Shakur, making his acting debut. Taking place in Harlem, the story revolves around four friends who are determined to gain “juice,” which symbolizes status and respect in their neighborhood. To achieve this, they forgo their education and turn to a life of crime.

The interplay among the four boys is captivating, as it reveals how some members of the group are willing to go to great lengths, highlighting the strength of their friendship. While the stakes may not be life-or-death, the audience can appreciate the gravity of the situation, especially for characters like Quincy, who grapple with the conflict between his beliefs and the actions of his friends.

1993: Jurassic Park

Jurassic Park stands as one of the most remarkable and successful movies in cinematic history. Adapted from Michael Crichton’s novel, the film took on a life of its own following its initial release. The story revolves around a wildlife park featuring genetically engineered dinosaurs, which serve as attractions for visitors. However, when a power outage occurs, the dinosaurs break free, unleashing chaos on the island and putting a specific group of visitors in peril.

Not only is the concept extraordinary, but the visual effects are also awe-inspiring. Watching the film, you’ll experience a sense of grandeur as colossal as the dinosaurs on the screen. Whether the characters are racing through the jungle or taking shelter in laboratories, the movie consistently delivers high-intensity sequences.

1994: Léon: The Professional

“Léon: The Professional is a French film that deserves more recognition. While many remember it as Natalie Portman’s debut, the story stands on its own merits. The movie revolves around an unlikely duo: León, a professional hitman portrayed by Jean Reno, and Mathilde, a young orphaned girl played by Portman. León, not particularly fond of people due to his profession, finds himself compelled to shelter Mathilde after her family is murdered. Instead of succumbing to her tragedy, Mathilde seeks revenge and knows just the person to help her achieve it. The film is a mix of violence, raw emotion, and occasional humor, offering a unique take on the mentor-mentee relationship.”

1995: Heat

“Heat” is an action-packed heist movie featuring Al Pacino and Robert De Niro in key roles. The story revolves around two classic adversaries: a group of criminals determined to secure a big score and the law enforcement officials striving to apprehend them. Robert De Niro portrays Neil, a seasoned criminal who, along with his team, commits a robbery that results in several homicides. On the other side, Lieutenant Hanna is among those assigned to solve the crime.

Amidst the unfolding events, both men grapple with the challenge of balancing their professional commitments with their personal lives, adding depth to their characters. The film presents a compelling and suspenseful game of cat and mouse as each side attempts to outsmart the other. Viewers can expect numerous tense standoffs that will keep them on the edge of their seats.

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1996: The Long Kiss Goodnight

The title “The Long Kiss Goodnight” might suggest a romantic story with a guaranteed happy ending, but it’s actually an action thriller featuring the talented duo of Samuel L. Jackson and Geena Davis. In the film, Geena Davis plays Samantha, a teacher who seems to lead an ordinary life with her daughter and boyfriend. However, her past is shrouded in mystery, as she was discovered years ago suffering from amnesia and even her name is a blank slate.

Despite numerous attempts to uncover her true identity, Samantha has made little progress until she teams up with the private investigator Mitch Hennessey. Their on-screen chemistry is electric, and watching the character development of both leads will keep you engaged throughout the two-hour runtime.

1997: Air Force One

If you’re a fan of action movies with a strong political twist, Air Force One is a perfect choice. In this film, we follow the fictional President James Marshall, played by Harrison Ford, who is on a diplomatic mission to Moscow, Russia. On the return flight aboard Air Force One, the plane is suddenly hijacked by a group of terrorists.

While President Marshall manages to escape, his family and some of his team members are not so fortunate, and they remain hostages. As the situation unfolds, he’s faced with the challenging dilemma of balancing the demands of the terrorists with the safety of his family and the entire world. One of the most intense parts of the movie revolves around the negotiation scenes, where President Marshall must carefully choose his words and devise a strategic approach.

What sets this film apart is that President Marshall doesn’t solely rely on others to rescue the hostages. Leveraging his military background and close ties, he takes matters into his own hands, adding a unique dimension to the action and suspense of the story.

1998: Rush Hour

Rush Hour stands out as the most light-hearted entry on this list, demonstrating that action movies can maintain a sense of humor. The story revolves around two central characters, Chief Inspector Lee and Detective Carter, both of whom serve in law enforcement but in different locations. Lee hails from Hong Kong and finds himself in Los Angeles on a mission to locate a Chinese diplomat’s daughter. In LA, he is teamed up with Carter, who knows the area and is tasked with keeping an eye on Lee.

As the film unfolds, the two protagonists transition from initial resentment of their forced partnership to bringing out the best in each other. While some elements of the movie may not have aged well, it does effectively emphasize their cultural differences and humorously addresses misconceptions people may have about other cultures. This comedy serves as a refreshing break from the typical action genre.

1999: The Matrix

“The Matrix is a groundbreaking movie that revolutionized the world of cinema. Keanu Reeves plays the role of Thomas, also known as ‘Neo,’ a computer hacker who, like the majority of humanity, is unknowingly trapped within the Matrix, a simulated reality. Neo discovers the truth about the Matrix, where humans’ actual bodies are being used as an energy source by an apparently invincible artificial intelligence. This revelation sets him on a mission to free humanity.

The film is not only a treat for its exceptional acting but also for its innovative use of ‘bullet time’ technology, creating the illusion of slow-motion sequences. Despite these visually captivating moments, the storyline maintains a relentless pace without ever feeling rushed.”


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