Do We Really Need a Thor 5 Solo Movie?

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The general consensus is that Taika Waititi’s Thor: Love and Thunder didn’t live up to expectations, despite the initial excitement. Initially, fans had high hopes, especially since Thor: Ragnarok had been a significant improvement over the previous Thor movie, and Waititi had a stellar track record. However, the 2022 film turned out to be disappointing. Consequently, many people were no longer enthusiastic about Waititi’s involvement with the Thor franchise, and even Chris Hemsworth appeared to share this sentiment as he expressed the need for a different tone in any future Thor films.

As of September 7, 2023, this article has been revised to incorporate the latest information regarding rumors surrounding Thor 5 and to provide an overview of the most recent developments within the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU).

Should a fifth Thor movie be made in the MCU? No other superhero in the MCU has had four standalone films, let alone a fifth one. “Thor: Love and Thunder” appeared to serve as a sort of conclusion. The MCU has been evolving in a new direction, and Thor hasn’t seemed essential to it for the most part. Thor is one of the last remaining original Marvel heroes, and they’ve slowly been phased out. It’s inevitable that this will happen to Thor too. Taika Waititi has hinted at the possibility of a fifth Thor movie, but is it necessary for the MCU, or should it move forward without it?

An Underwhelming Past

To begin, Thor’s performance as a standalone character in the MCU has been rather inconsistent. The first Thor movie in 2011, directed by Kenneth Branagh, was a decent introduction. However, Thor: The Dark World is often regarded as one of the weakest entries in the MCU. Thor: Ragnarok managed to change this trend by delivering an enjoyable and significant installment that gave fans optimism about Thor’s solo potential. Unfortunately, Taika Waititi couldn’t sustain this momentum with Love and Thunder, which left fans disappointed.

Thor’s Story Is Mostly Resolved

In Thor’s various adventures leading up to “Love and Thunder,” there has been a consistent theme of personal growth. Initially, Thor was arrogant and took his loved ones for granted. However, as time passed, he had to learn the importance of valuing those in his life and taking on responsibility. His journey was marked by the profound lessons he learned through the painful experience of loss. Throughout the Infinity Saga, Thor had to endure the deaths of his parents, the loss of his friends, the apparent demise of his brother Loki (on two occasions), and even the destruction of his home. These losses had a lasting impact on him and continued to shape his character in “Love and Thunder.” His development as a character has been closely tied to how he coped with grief, which took various forms such as anger, depression, and a pursuit of vengeance.

Chris Hemsworth’s Health

Hemsworth is considering taking preventive measures to avoid developing Alzheimer’s disease and emphasizes that the recent news doesn’t guarantee he will definitely get the illness. Regardless of his health, Hemsworth has expressed that his next portrayal of Thor may be his final one. In an interview with Vanity Fair, he remarked: “I think if I were to return as Thor, it would probably mark the conclusion of the character’s journey. It feels like the right way to wrap it up, though this isn’t based on any official information or plans. You have the hero’s origin, their heroic journey, and then their eventual exit, and I wonder if I’m at that stage. Who can say?” Hemsworth’s tenure as Thor seems to be nearing its end, and if he does retire from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, he’ll follow in the footsteps of actors like Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., and Scarlett Johansson, who have already concluded their characters’ stories. However, there might be other creative options for how his character’s story concludes.

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A Tony Stark Capacity

Fans will recall that even though Tony Stark’s last standalone movie was in Phase 2, he remained a constant presence in the MCU by making guest appearances in various films. This served to connect him to the overarching threat while other characters focused on their own endeavors. Perhaps Thor could follow a similar path, appearing in several Marvel Studios projects as a secondary character to provide continuity and tie the narrative threads together.

Pair Thor With Other Heroes

Thor: Ragnarok cleverly brought together Hulk, a character who hadn’t had a solo film since 2008, and Thor. If Marvel Studios decides to make Thor 5, it might be a good idea to shift the focus away from a typical Thor story and instead create a team-up film involving Thor and various characters in the MCU that haven’t found their footing yet. The future of The Eternals is uncertain, especially after their movie left us with a significant cliffhanger. Thor could join forces with the Eternals, making Thor 5 both a conclusion to the Thor franchise and a subtle continuation of the Eternals storyline.


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